Sören Meschede

Sören Meschede is a cultural manager, curator and producer based in Madrid. In recent years he has focused his attention mainly on the field of collaborative and participatory artistic practices; projects that seek to fuse visual and performative arts; and in the conception and development of artist residencies.

Since August 2018, Sören is working as Coordinator of Concomitentes (www.concomitentes.org), and setting un this platform for the production and the support of public art projects that are being put forth and commissioned by groups of citizens who wish to respond with an artwork to a situation in their social context.

Up to July 2018, Sören was the Coordinator of hablarenarte, one of the pioneering independent institutions in Spain (www.hablarenarte.com), where he developed social and cultural programmes, on a national as well on an international level.

Concomitancia / Programme Living Waters
Role Mediators